Lisa Heyman

Hi all.

There has been so much the past several weeks that I've wanted to
write/respond to. But mostly, a big heartfelt thank you and posting of
gratitude - even veteran unschoolers continue to learn from everyone.
Several threads have helped me tremendously with letting go even further
with areas of my own life that need to be more deeply unschooled,
specifically in perspective to how I treat myself. I've made some personal
shifts which require more time than I want to give it to explain in a two
minute email. While I am a confident unschooler in my relationship with my
children - my relationship with myself can always use adjustment.

Anyway.I'll be off line for the next 10 days or so - but couldn't head off
without at the very least acknowledging how wonderfully exceptional
unschooling life is.

Always evolving,

Lisa Heyman

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